We celebrate a very important 40th Anniversary this Sunday: Our Lady of Kibeho! From 1981 to 1989, Our Lady appeared to at least three high school age girls in the city of Kibeho, Rwanda. She gave them a message of a call to repentance, to prayer, to penance - and especially of devotion to the Rosary and the Chaplet Rosary of the Seven Sorrows.
These apparitions and the visionaries were studied not only by theologians but also by modern scientists and doctors - and it is quite certain that they come from God. St John Paul II approved of the apparitions in 2001.
Color videos of the girls experiencing these visions is readily available online, and an excellent documentary was made by EWTN. See this here --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEkY6vwZc3U
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