Jun 23, 2020

Sunday Sermon, June 21st -- Meditations on the Image of the Sacred Heart

June is the month of the Sacred Heart. In addition to the 5 first Friday devotion (receiving holy Communion in the state of grace as an act of reparation on the first Friday of 5 consecutive months), we encourage that Home Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - placing an image of the Sacred Heart in a prominent public place in the home (like the living room or entry way).

There are five specific characteristics of the image of the Sacred Heart that are a source for meditation on the meaning of this devotion and the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus.  1) The Heart, as a symbol of Love.  2) The Wound in the side.  3) The Crown of Thorns.  4) The Cross behind/above the Heart.   5) The Fire around the Heart.

Listen online [here]!