Jun 2, 2020

Pentecost Sunday Sermon, May 31st -- Desiring God's Will with the Holy Spirit's Aid

Pentecost is often seen as a healing of the Old Testament event of the confusing of languages at the Tower of Babel, and this is certainly correct.

Another aspect to Pentecost is to recognize that, according to a Jewish Tradition (which seems to be from about the time of Jesus, or perhaps just after the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 - but still was influential on the early Christians and Fathers of the Church), the Jewish feast of Pentecost was not merely an agricultural feast but also a commemoration of the giving of the Law (the 10 Commandments) to Moses on Mount Sinai.

In this respect, we see a parallel insofar as the Holy Spirit rights the commandments of God upon our hearts. If we love God, we will fulfill his commandments - and the Law will not be something seen as restrictions placed on us from without, but as fulfilling our true desires.  The key to salvation, and the key to happiness in this life as well is to desire what God desires, to love what he loves - to say always, "Lord, thy will be done."   The Holy Spirit moves our hearts to be united with God's will.

Listen online [here]!