Jun 5, 2024

Sunday Sermon, June 2nd -- Eucharistic Miracles and the Real Presence

 There are over 100 Eucharistic Miracles which have been approved by the Church after careful study.  While our faith in the Eucharist is based upon Jesus' words ("faith comes from hearing"), these miracles help confirm our faith and also can help non-believers to be more open to the gift of faith.

Blessed (soon to be Saint) Carlo Acutis built a website to catalogue those Eucharistic Miracles which have been approved by the Church.  The website is found at http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/en/liste/list.html  [here]!

After discussing the miracles of Cascia, Bolsena/Orvieto, and Lanciano; we then look to St Thomas' teaching about Eucharistic miracles. In particular, we emphasize that these miraculous realities still remain the Eucharist - namely, even as Jesus is present under the appearance of bread and wine; in the case of these miraculous transformations, Jesus is present under the appearance of flesh and blood.

Listen online [here]!