Jun 25, 2024

Daily Meditations from St Alphonsus for weeks 5 through 8 after Pentecost

 For those using St Alphonsus' daily meditations - the last volume will be available for about $10 in two weeks at the parish - in the meantime, you can find the daily meditations for the next weeks here!

June 23-29, 2024  -  5th week after Pentecost  (here)

June 30 - July 6 - 6th week after Pentecost (here)

July 7-13 - 7th week after Pentecost (here)

July 14-20 - 8th week after Pentecost (here)

Jun 24, 2024

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- June 23rd, Session 5 -- The Sacraments

 In our final class discussing the Third Part of the Summa, we look to St Thomas' treatise on the Sacraments. First we consider the nature of the Sacraments in general, and then we look to some of the sacraments in particular.  ST III, qq. 60-90.

Sunday Sermon, June 23 -- Christ, Sleeping Peacefully Amidst the Storm (15th Anniversary of Ordination)

 As this is the 15th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, we discuss some of the points I most love about being a priest -- offering Mass daily, hearing confessions, and promoting devotion to Mary and the saints.

We then look to the story of today's Gospel - when the disciples are with Jesus in the boat in the midst of the storm.  Christ is in the boat and he is in the Church. Furthermore, Christ is in our souls - and he is at peace even amidst the worst trials and storms.

Listen online [here]!

Adult Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- June 16th, Session 4 -- The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus

 In this class, we look at St Thomas' commentary on the Transfiguration, and then on the sufferings Christ endured in his passion and death. Finally, we consider his resurrection, and briefly look at the final judgement.  ST III, qq 45-59 and Supplement qq 69-99.

Sunday Sermon, June 16 -- St Lutgarde and the Sacred Heart; and the Mustard Seed

 St Lutgarde (feast is June 16) was born in 1182 and died in 1246. She is the first saint known to have had an explicit devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She also is the first to have received the Stigmata (over a decade before St Francis of Assisi).

We consider how her life inspires us to devotion.

Finally, we give a brief commentary on how the Church is the mustard seed - though she will become very small in the modern world, she will grow again to a mighty tree.

Listen online [here]!

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- June 9th, Session 3 -- The Birth and Public Ministry of Jesus

 We discuss the early portion of the Life of Christ through to the Transfiguration -- ST III, qq 35-45.

We consider St Thomas' commentary on the details of Jesus' birth, his presentation in the Temple, and his public ministry and teaching. Especially considering the perfection of Jesus' teaching, and why it is that he chose not to write any portion of the Bible.

Sunday Sermon, June 9 -- Theology of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (external solemnity of the Sacred Heart)

 We discuss the doctrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially focusing on the humanity of Christ and the insights given by St Thomas Aquinas.

Listen online [here]!

Jun 5, 2024

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- May 26th, Session 2 -- The Incarnation and the Annunciation

We discuss the structure of the Third Part of the Summa Theologica, which focuses on Christ and the Sacraments he instituted.

We give a quick overview of the general series of questions which are discussed in the "Treatise on the Incarnation" - why it is that the Second Person of the Trinity became Man and whether it could have been otherwise, as well as the humanity of the Savior.

We then look more carefully at the conception of Christ and the perfection of the Child conceived.

Sunday Sermon, June 2nd -- Eucharistic Miracles and the Real Presence

 There are over 100 Eucharistic Miracles which have been approved by the Church after careful study.  While our faith in the Eucharist is based upon Jesus' words ("faith comes from hearing"), these miracles help confirm our faith and also can help non-believers to be more open to the gift of faith.

Blessed (soon to be Saint) Carlo Acutis built a website to catalogue those Eucharistic Miracles which have been approved by the Church.  The website is found at http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/en/liste/list.html  [here]!

After discussing the miracles of Cascia, Bolsena/Orvieto, and Lanciano; we then look to St Thomas' teaching about Eucharistic miracles. In particular, we emphasize that these miraculous realities still remain the Eucharist - namely, even as Jesus is present under the appearance of bread and wine; in the case of these miraculous transformations, Jesus is present under the appearance of flesh and blood.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, May 26 -- Proof of God's Existence and an Analogy for the Trinity

 We discuss St Thomas' "proof from contingency" for God's existence. Many things exist which do not have to exist (they are "contingent"), and these must be caused to exist. Ultimately, this lead us to conclude that God must exist not as contingent being but as necessary existence. And this good God hold all things in existence, at all times.

An analogy for the Trinity is found in the human soul which can both know and love. God knows himself, and the Father begets the Son; God loves himself, and the Father and Son breathe forth the Holy Spirit.

Listen online [here]!

Parish Schedule Changes for June 11, 12, and 13!

 Parish schedule changes for next week! June 11, 12, and 13.  No Mass on Tuesday or Wednesday, and no confessions Wednesday. No 7am Mass on Thursday, but there will be 4:30pm confessions followed by 5:30pm Mass.  The Friday schedule is as usual.

Adoration remains from Tuesday at 7pm to Friday at 6pm.