Jan 17, 2022

Sunday Sermon, January 16th -- The Wedding Feast at Cana and Mary's Role in Our Redemption

 A careful study of the text of the miraculous changing of water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana.  Who was the bridegroom? Most likely St Simon the Zealot, who was a cousin of the Lord by way of St Joseph. Who were the disciples present? Most likely, Sts James the Less and Jude (brothers of the groom), Sts James the Greater and John (nephews of the groom), and Sts Andrew, Peter, Philip and Bartholomew (who had all recently begun to follow the Lord).

We also consider the role of Mary in this miracle, and her place at the foot of the Cross. John's Gospel presents Mary as Co-Redemptrix (a title used by Pope St John Paul II and Pope Venerable Pius XII, and many others).

Listen online [here]!