Apr 1, 2021

Triduum and Easter Week Schedule 2021

[note, there are no morning Masses or confessions during the Triduum]

Holy Thursday, April 1st

Mass of the Lord's Supper  5:30pm

Followed by Adoration in the Garden Chapel (church basement) until midnight

Good Friday, April 2nd

Commemoration of the Lord's Passion  5:30pm

Followed by Stations of the Cross at about 7pm

Holy Saturday, April 3rd

Church decorating following devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Noon

Easter Vigil   9pm to midnight

Easter Sunday, April 4th

9am Solemn Mass with incense

11:30am Mass (no incese)

Easter Tuesday, April 6th

Mass 5:30pm

Easter Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,  April 7-9th

Mass 7am

Confessions 4:30-7pm

Easter Saturday, April 10th

Mass 9am  [note, Mass time moves back to 9am through until next Advent]

Confessions 4:30-5:30pm

Saturday Evening Mass, 5:30pm

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11th

Mass with incense 9am

Confessions 10:45-11:15am

Spoken Mass, 11:30am

Divine Mercy Devotions 3pm