Nov 12, 2020

Adult Faith Formation, November 12th, Session 9, Parker's Back

 This week, we read "Parker's Back" which is a reflection on the heresy of iconoclasm, the rejection of holy images of God and the saints.

Listen online [here]!


Flannery O’Connor

Session 9: Parker’s Back

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”


Additional Readings:  Everything that Rises Must Converge, and A Late Encounter with the Enemy, The Geranium, and Judgment Day


Themes in Parker’s Back

A. Probably Flannery O’Connor’s most explicitly “theological” story

B. Iconoclasm: The condemnation of images of God and the saints – This is a heresy

C. Self-righteousness: Both in Parker who doesn’t believe in sin, and in Sarah Ruth

D. Vanity and the morality of tattoos

E. Perhaps the only story focused on a married couple


Themes in The Life You Save May Be Your Own

A. Greed and bargaining

B. A brief reflection on marriage and settling down

C. Dark humor

D. Hypocrisy and the abandonment of grace