Oct 14, 2020

Sunday Sermon, October 11th -- God is Inviting You to Mental Prayer

The parable of the king who held a great feast and invited many guests, ultimately bringing in the bad and the good alike, stands for the invitation that the Lord makes to each of us for a deeper spiritual life and even contemplative prayer.

 Let no one say, as the ungrateful townspeople of the parable who refused the invitation, that they are too busy for the Lord.  You are invited to a deeper life of prayer! God demands that you become a great saint!  It is by mental prayer, more than anything else, that we become good.

Outline of mental prayer: 1) Introduction, recognize the presence of God and decide on the mystery for mediation.  2) Considerations, consider the love God has shown for you in this mystery of Jesus' life and offer your love to him in return.   3) Conclusion, offer God your petitions and especially ask that you be saved.  Be sure to make a concrete resolution for how to grow in holiness this day.

Listen online [here]!