Jul 8, 2020

Sunday Sermon, July 5th -- How to Become Meek

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart."

Of all the virtues which Jesus desires we should learn from him, meekness and humility stand out as being especially set before us.  We all desire all the virtues, but meekness and humility are the most necessary, especially for establishing the foundation of our spiritual life.

Humility is primarily in our relation to God, meekness to our neighbor. Meekness restrains anger, even as clemency makes us gentle in correcting faults. We recognize that no one will ever be too meek, and there is never a situation in which is was good for our soul to become angry. Never be angry, but always be meek.

We discuss the advice of St Francis de Sales in how to become meek - especially through learning to be gentle with ourselves so as to become gentle with others. If we conquer the passion of anger and become truly meek, we will quickly progress in the pursuit of holiness.

Listen online [here]!