The month of October is the "pro-life month" - and so we will be preaching on issues related to life. Beginning with conception and birth (speaking on contraception, IVF, and abortion), we then will move to end of life issues (specifically, physician assisted suicide and the death penalty).
In this homily, we consider abortion not only as an attack on the unborn child, but also as an attack on the mother and upon all women. Because abortion is often promoted as a "women's health" or "women's rights" issue, we look at how abortion hurts women.
From the Church and from God, there is only mercy and forgiveness - there is no judgment, but only a desire to bring healing into the hearts of the many women and men who have been deeply wounded by participating in or themselves procuring an abortion.
We can work to stop abortion by prayer, fasting, boycotting companies that fiercely promote the culture of death, and especially by voting pro-life.
Listen online [here]!