Session 3 -- The key concepts of Books I-X of the City of God. St Augustine's reply to paganism and his argument that the gods of the nations (Zeus, Neptune, Juno, etc) are actually demons. St Augustine's discussion of suffering, and why God permits bad things to happen to good people.
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The City of God
By St Augustine of Hippo
Session 3, St Augustine’s Reply to Paganism and the Problem of
The gods of the nations are demons. (Ps 95)
Glorious things are said of thee, o City of God! (Ps
Note on
schedule: Four introductory sessions in July. 1. Who is St Augustine? 2. St
Augustine’s theology and Overview of The City of God. 3. Key concepts of
Books I-X, St Augustine’s reply to paganism and the problem of suffering. 4.
Divine Providence and review of Books I-X. [subject to revision]
I. Review
of Last Class – St Augustine’s theology and City of God
A. Key
points of St Augustine’s theology and the City of God
1. The problem of evil and of
2. Original sin, actual sin, and death
3. The interpretation of Scripture
4. Other: Purgatory, veneration of the
Saints, Baptism, etc.
B. Notes
and suggestions on reading The City of God
Size of the work (22 books, about 900 pages), written over fourteen years.
2. General Outline:
Part I,
Books I-X. A defense of Christianity and a polemical critique of pagan religion
Part II,
Books XI-XXII. The City of God traced from Genesis to Revelation.
II. Main
argument of Books I-X: The gods of the nations are demons.
A. The
Pagan gods and Earthly Happiness (Books I-V) – ancient history
St Augustine proves that the
pagan gods did not protect Rome and the roman people from both moral and
political ruin as well as much suffering. In this, St Augustine sites many
examples from pagan history of pagan worshipers who suffer much and are not
delivered, as well as the moral vices of the nation perpetuated by the worship
of pagan gods.
B. The
Pagan gods and Eternal Happiness (Books VI-X) – paganism and philosophy
St Augustine proves that pagan
worship does not lead to true happiness nor to eternal life. In this, St
Augustine cites a certain Varro, whose works have largely been lost – thus,
more than perhaps any other author, St Augustine tells us about the practices
of paganism in the Roman State.
III. The
two main ways St Augustine proves that the gods of the nations are demons
A. The
Romans suffered many misfortunes and wars when they worshipped these gods.
1. Many individuals who
worshipped the gods still suffered horrible pains/death.
2. The Roman State, while
worshipping the gods, still suffered from wars and discord and other natural
B. The
gods and the worship of the gods led the people into sin and vice, bringing
about their unhappiness and the ruin of the nation.
1. The myths about the gods
include many stories of vice and wickedness, which then induce men to sin in
these ways.
2. The rituals of pagan worship
often involve various sinful practices.
3. The plays which “honor” the
gods involve many sinful practices – especially sexual excesses and
4. Even when the Roman State
worshipped the gods, the nation fell into moral ruin and vice – such that the
foundations were weak because of moral corruption.
IV. Why
does God allow suffering? Also, why do bad things happen to good people, and
good things happen to bad people?
1. St Augustine must confront the
particular crisis of his day: Why did God allow Rome to fall? Why did God allow
so many Christians to suffer horribly at the hands of the barbarians?
2. St Augustine notes that, what
had never been known before, those who took refuge in the Christian churches
were spared, and many who called on the name of Christ were shown mercy by the
barbarians. (Alaric was an Arian
3. Another question: Do we lose
anything of virtue if we suffer violence? Did the Christian virgins lose
anything of virtue when they suffered rape?
4. In fact, St Augustine points
out that suffering can often be permitted by God to bring about the
sanctification of individuals. While material blessings (power, wealth, etc)
are shared by both the good and the bad, true happiness is found only by the
5. The same suffering that brings
sorrow to the wicked purifies and strengthens the virtuous – even as the same
material successes that bring moral ruin to the wicked are of no hinderance to
the virtue of the just.
6. If the virtuous always
received material blessings, then many would follow God for the wrong reasons,
seeking only material blessings. Further, material blessings do not bring true
happiness, but only God alone. Thus, when God gives material things to both the
bad and the good, we learn that we ought not to place our hope in these things
– but when true happiness is given only to the good, we learn that we must seek
virtue above all.
Recommended chapters for special focus, from Books I-X (about 90 pages)
Book I:
Chapters 1-14, 35-36
Overview of the sack of Rome
Why bad things happen to good people
Honoring the bodies of the saints
Membership in the City of God and overview of the book
Book II:
Chapters 2-14
II. 2,
Review of Book I
Good example of St Augustine’s polemical style arguing against paganism
Book III:
Chapters 1, 31
Overview of the history of the world before Jesus Christ
That Christ is not to be blamed for the fall of Rome
Book IV:
Chapters 1-3, 18-34
Review of Books I-III
True happiness is not a vast empire or worldly power
Of the goddesses “Virtue” and “Felicity/Happiness” and proof that true
happiness only comes from God
God gives power to both good people and bad, but only the good are happy
Book V:
Chapters 1-11
Against astrology – A good example of St Augustine’s polemical arguing against
pagan worship and superstitions
Brilliant explanation of Divine Providence and Divine Foreknowledge, and human
free will
Book VI:
Chapter 12
VI.12, An
overview of Book VI, that the pagan gods don’t give eternal life
Book VII:
Chapter 30-33
The one God created all things, but remains only one God
The place of Jesus Christ and Christians in human history and in the history of
VIII: Chapter 27
We honor the saints, but worship only God alone
Book IX:
Chapters 14-23
How Christ is the mediator between God and man, being Divine and Human
The knowledge that angels and demons have
Book X:
Chapters 4-20
X.4-8, Of
sacrifices offered to the true God
Of God’s manifestation or revelation of himself to men
Recommendations for listening to City of God on LibriVox (about 4 ½ hours)
Book I.
Preface, Chapters 1-15
Book II.
Chapters 1-17
Book III.
Book IV.
Chapters 19-34
Book V.
Chapters 1-12
Book VI.
Book VII.
VIII. Nothing.
Book IX.
Chapters 13-23
Book X. Chapters