May 6, 2019

Easter Sunday Sermon, April 21st -- The Resurrection was Hidden from the World

No one saw our Lord rise from the dead. Although there are many "proofs" of the resurrection, and although our Lord appeared to his disciples many times after rising - the resurrection itself occurred in an hidden and mysterious way.

The very same physical body in which Jesus suffered, is truly raised to a new and glorious life. Many historical facts testify to the truth of the resurrection -- the empty tomb, the transformation brought about in the lives of the disciples, the burial cloths, and more. 

However, the risen Jesus did not appear to all people, but only to those few disciples who had been chosen. This surprises us - wouldn't it have been better if Jesus had appeared in a clear way to all people? Why doesn't he go about preaching and teaching and working miracles before the crowds, as he had before his passion?

The Lord is teaching us that we must rely on spiritual means rather than look to worldly power or worldly success in spreading the Gospel.

Listen online [here]!