Jan 16, 2019

Sunday Sermon, January 13 -- The Baptism of the Lord as Epiphany

In our Catholic Tradition, the Epiphany of the Lord commemorates three mysteries: The visit of the Magi thirteen days after out Lord's birth, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by St John, and the miraculous changing of water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. In each of these mysteries, our Lord's divinity is made "manifest" (Epiphany means manifestation). This is what connects our Lord's Baptism with Christmas, it is the manifestation of the incarnation, that the man Jesus Christ is truly the beloved Son of the eternal Father, God from God and Light from Light.

Thus three-fold Epiphany also calls to mind the key role of Mary and Joseph in the manifestation of who Jesus really is. If we desire to understand the divine relation of Jesus to his heavenly Father, I propose we may learn much from meditating upon the relation of Jesus to Mary. On the other hand, we look especially to St Joseph as we meditate upon the relationship of Jesus in his humanity to his heavenly Father.

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