Dec 19, 2018

Sunday Sermon, December 2nd -- The Great Apostasy and the Current Crisis

"The powers of the heavens will be shaken" -- The Fathers of the Church and the great saints tell us that, in the last days during the final tribulation, those to whom we should have looked to give light and guidance to the world will rather sow confusion and doubt. In the last days, many of the pastors of the Church (bishops, even cardinals, and priests as well) will seem to be shaken, no longer giving clear teaching or sound moral example.

The Church is today in a time of great crisis. The crisis of sexual abuse of children by priests has caused much harm. Furthermore, since the Second Vatican Council, there was been so much confusion in the Church - priests and bishops promoting false teachings and even heresies, grave liturgical abuses, serious moral failings, etc.

And yet, Jesus tells us to stand tall and hold our heads high, for it is meant to be the day of our vindication. Bishop Warfel has called for a year of Prayer, Penance, and Reparation - the perfect response to the current crisis and the grave tribulation in which we find ourselves.

Listen online [here]!