May 6, 2015

Sunday Sermon, April 3 -- Remaining on the Vine, Keeping the Precepts of the Church

Being a good Catholic isn't about "feeling good" but about "doing good", actually living the faith and following the commandments of Christ given through his Church.

To be a good Catholic and a good person, we start with following the "bare minimum" which is the precepts of the Church.

1) Attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day
2) Confess serious sins at least once a year
3) Receive communion worthily at least once a year during Easter season
4) Following the laws of fasting (Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) and abstinence (Ash Wednesday and every Friday of the year, though on Fridays outside of Lent in the USA we are permitted to substitute some other form of penance)
5) Contributing to the material needs of the Church
6) Following the laws of the Church with regards to marriage

If you want to grow in holiness, start with these precepts and build from there. Just as we know that it is good to receive communion more than once a year (precept 3), we know that we need confession more than once a year (precept 2), and Mass more than just once a week (precept 1), and we should practice penance on more than just Fridays (precept 4). Of course, we should be generous with the Church (precept 5).

Listen online [here]!