Aug 30, 2024

Pro Life Luncheon, next Saturday!

 Join for a pro-life luncheon next Saturday, September 7th from noon to 2pm! At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 906 Central Ave W, Great Falls, MT.  We will discuss the upcoming 40 Days For Life campaign (which runs thru October), and also learn about the important pro life issues for Montana to be voted on in the November Election. Lunch is free!

Aug 29, 2024

Schedule Change, August 28-30

A reminder that there are no afternoon confessions at Corpus Christi this week until Saturday at 4:30pm!

Aug 13, 2024

Sunday Sermon, August 11 -- St Thomas on the Eucharist, How Christ is Present in this Sacrament, Part 2 of 4

 We discuss St Thomas' treatise on the Eucharist in the Summa Theologica, in honor of the Bread of Life Discourse and the Vatican's declaration of Jubilee Celebrations of St Thomas Aquinas.

In this sermon, we look to ST III, qq.75-77.  Why it is that the Eucharist cannot merely be a symbol, and how it is that the whole Jesus is present in this Sacrament.  Also, we discuss the accidental properties of bread and wine which remain, even though the substance has changed to the Body and Blood of Christ.

Listen online [here]!

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- August 11, Session 10 -- The Cardinal Virtues and States in Life

 We conclude our study of the Second Part of the Second Part of the Summa Theologica of St Thomas, focusing on the the cardinal virtues and which virtues are connected to each other together with the beatitudes and gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the opposing vices.

Find the ST II-II [here]!   Questions 47-187.

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas -- August 4, Session 9 -- Faith, Hope, and Love

 We begin looking at the Second Part of the the Second Part of the Summa of St Thomas Aquinas. This portion of the Summa deals with particular morals, the study of virtues and vices.

Find the ST II-II [here]!   We discuss questions 1-46.

Sunday Sermon, August 4 -- St Thomas on the Eucharist, The Eucharist as a Sacrament, Part 1 of 4

 We discuss the Eucharist as a Sacrament in the life of the Church, to begin a four part series on St Thomas' treatise on the Eucharist in the Summa Theologica.  We are preaching on St Thomas' Eucharistic theology in honor both of the Bread of Life Discourse (which we read for these four weeks in the Sunday Gospel) and also in honor of the Jubilee Celebrations of St Thomas Aquinas.

We discuss ST III, qq.73-75.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, July 28 -- St Thomas' Hymns and Devotion to the Eucharist

 We discuss St Thomas' devotion to the Holy Eucharist and his great love for Jesus in the Sacrament.  In the coming weeks, we will preach extensively on the Summa Theologica and St Thomas' treatise on the Eucharist - but first we look to his more mystical writings, especially his Eucharistic Hymns.  Finally, we comment in detail on the Lauda Sion, which is the sequence for Corpus Christi.

Listen online [here]!

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- July 28, St Thomas' Hymns -- Verbum Supernum Prodiens

 At the conclusion of our monthly Eucharistic Procession, we preach a short sermon on St Thomas' Hymn "Verbum Supernum Prodiens" which concludes with the famouse "O Salutaris Hostia."

Adult Faith Formation, Understanding St Thomas Aquinas -- July 21, Session 8 -- Law and Grace

 Consideration of the final portion of the Prima Secundae of St Thomas' Summa -- on the Law and Grace.

Sunday Sermon, July 21 -- Practical Advice on How to Read the Bible Daily

 Advice for Bible reading, both how to systematically read through the entire Bible and how to pray daily with the Scriputres.

Listen online [here]!

Aug 12, 2024

Parish Schedule, August 13-18, Holy Day Schedule

No Mass, Tuesday, Aug 13

No 7am Mass, Wednesday, Aug 14

Holy Day of Obligation! Assumption of Mary

Wednesday, Aug 14 - Adoration begins at noon, confessions 4:30-5:30pm, and Mass 5:30pm

Thursday, Aug 15 - 7am Mass, confessions 4:30-5:30pm, 5:30pm Solemn Mass

Friday, Aug 16 - 7am Mass, confessions 4:30-5:30pm, devotions and conclusion of adoration 5:30-6:30pm

Saturday, Aug 17 - 9am Mass, confessions 4:30-5:30pm, 5:30pm Mass

Sunday, Aug 18 - 9am Solemn Mass and 11:30am Mass