Mar 24, 2024

Parish Schedule for Holy Week and Easter

 Corpus Christi parish schedule for Holy Week and Easter!

No Mass on Tuesday or Wednesday of Holy Week (March 26 and 27).

There will be confessions on Wednesday, March 27 from 5:30 to 7 or 8pm. 

No 7am Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday; and no 5:30pm Mass on Holy Saturday. No confessions on those days either.  (March 28, 29, and 30).

Holy Thursday Mass is 5:30-7:30pm.

Good Friday service is 5:30-7:30pm.

Easter Vigil Mass is 9pm to midnight.

Easter Sunday Masses are 9am and 11:30am.

Church decorating for Easter is Holy Saturday with rosary at noon and decorating till about 1:30pm.

Mar 11, 2024

Sunday Sermon, March 10th -- The History of St Nicodemus

 Although our Lord's words to Nicodemus in John 3:16 are probably the most famous in all of Scripture, most people know little about who Nicodemus was or what happened to him later in life.  In this sermon, we discuss the Gospel account of St Nichodemus as well as the tradition of his friendship with St Gamaliel and St Stephen the Deacon!

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, March 3rd - The First Cleansing of the Temple, and the Danger of Anger

 St John tells us of many events which occurred during the first year and a half of Jesus' public ministry - from the time of the fasting in the desert up to the arrest of John the Baptist. These events are not contained in the other three Gospels.

We discuss the first time in which Jesus cleansed the Temple, and point out how different this was from the second cleansing of the Temple at the very end of Jesus' life. 

We also speak of why we should not give in to the passion of anger - even though Jesus was angry in a perfectly virtuous way, we are not so perfect and the emotion of anger is too dangerous for us!

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, February 25th -- The Testing of Abraham, and Isaac the Willing Victim

 St Paul tells us what Abraham was thinking when he was willing to offer up Isaac. In the eleventh chapter of the Letter of St Paul to the Hebrews, we are told that Abraham had explicit faith in the resurrection! In this sermon, we discuss the history of the promise of God to Abraham and how this was fulfilled in Isaac, as well as the role of Isaac as a willing victim in this testing of his father Abraham. Finally, this foreshadows the perfect sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

Listen online [here]!