Dec 16, 2023

Sunday Sermon, December 10th -- The Holy House of Loreto

 We discuss the history and theological significance of the Holy House of Loreto. Pope Francis, in 2019, extended this feast to the universal Church expressing a desire that all the faithful should know of this great miracle and this house of Nazareth - therefore, following the wish of the Holy Father, we preach this sermon on this most important shrine.

For pictures of the city of Loreto and of the Holy House and the Basilica, see this link [here]!   

Listen online [here]!

Dec 13, 2023

Christmas Octave Schedule

 Christmas and Octave Schedule at Corpus Christi! 

Regular weekend Masses Dec 23&24.

Sun, Dec 24, Christmas Eve Mass with incense, 4:30pm

Christmas Midnight Mass at 12am Midnight with incense.

Christmas Morning Mass, Mon, Dec 25 at 9am (no incense, no music).

Masses Dec 26-29 all moved to 5:30pm with confessions 5-5:30pm

Saturday Morning Mass, Dec 30, 7am

regular weekend schedule Dec 30&31.

Mary, Mother of God is not a holy day of obligation this year.  Jan 1, Mass at 9am.

No Mass, Tues, Jan 2.

Mass on Wed, Jan 3 moved to 5:30pm, no confessions.

Dec 9, 2023

Sunday Sermon, December 3rd -- Advent Hymns and the Second Coming of Christ

There are many important ways to enter into Advent and prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. In previous years, we have recommended various acts of penance (prayer, fasting and almsgiving) and these remain so important!

This year, I want to make another recommendation - singing Advent hymns in your home!  In this sermon, we look at the importance of hymns in the Church's Liturgy (especially in the Breviary) and consider how two hymns can help us meditate on the way that Advent prepares us for the Day of Judgement and the Second Coming of Christ -- Hark, the Herald's Voice Is Calling (Vox Clara Ecce Intonat, the hymn for Lauds/Morning prayer during Advent) and Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending (written by the protestant Charles Wesley).   [text of hymns below]

Listen online, [here]!

Pre-Advent Retreat: On Spiritual Reading

 Two talks on spiritual reading.  First, on daily Scripture reading - both ideas of how to pray with Scripture in daily devotional reading, and also how to study and systematically read the Bible daily.

The second talk is on spiritual reading from the writings of the saints - again, both how to study the faith through the writings of the saints, and also how to use their writings in our daily mental prayer and meditation.

Sunday Sermon, November 26 -- The Day of Judgement Prefigured in the Mass

 As we come to the end of the Liturgical Year and meditate upon the end of time and consummations of human history, we turn to a reflection on the Day of Judgement and the Second Coming of Christ. 

In a mysterious way, this great and final day is prefigured in the Mass.

Listen online [here]!

Dec 6, 2023

Holy Day of Obligation - December 8th

Friday, December 8, Holy Day of Obligation, The Immaculate Conception of Mary! 

Corpus Christi Parish Schedule:
Thursday, Dec 7 - no 7am Mass; confessions are 4:30-5:30pm; vigil Mass for Holy Day 5:30pm

Friday, Dec 8 - 7am Mass; confessions 4:30-5:30pm; solemn Mass with incense is 5:30pm

(Also, note that Saturday morning Masses are now 7am till Easter - and by candlelight thru Advent!)