Mar 21, 2022

Sunday Sermon, March 13th -- Abraham's Sacrifice of the Three Beasts and Two Birds

Genesis 15 contains a very mysterious sacrifice - Abraham cuts in half a cow, a goat, and a ram; as well as offering a pigeon and turtle dove. The Lord responds as a burning torch and fire pot pass through the midst of the offering.

To understand this sacrifice, we review the story of Abraham and then give the commentary especially of St Augustine.

Listen online [here]!


Sunday Sermon, March 6th -- Overcoming Temptations

 On the First Sunday of Lent, we hear of our Lord's temptation in the desert.  We discuss the three levels of sin - temptation, delectation, and consent - and give advice from St Francis de Sales and others on how to overcome temptations!

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, February 27 -- Sins of Speech

 St Thomas Aquinas outlines the various ways a man can offend against justice through sins of speech.  We discuss detraction, calumny, reviling, derision, susurration, and others.  Knowing these categories can help us avoid falling into these sins in the future!

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, February 20th -- The Six Days of Creation, Adam and Eve

 Do Catholics have to believe that the world was created in six days? Six twenty four hour periods? Or should Catholics at least believe that it was six million years? St Augustine and St Thomas didn't think so. There is an entirely different interpretation which avoids all possible conflict with modern science.

Listen online [here]!