Changes to schedule during Thanksgiving 2021:
No Confessions Wednesday through Friday, Nov 24-26.
No daily Masses Thursday through Saturday morning, Nov 25-27.
Changes to schedule during Thanksgiving 2021:
No Confessions Wednesday through Friday, Nov 24-26.
No daily Masses Thursday through Saturday morning, Nov 25-27.
Although St Paul, in his Letter to the Hebrews, states that there is no need for the repetition of sacrificial offerings in the New Covenant established by Christ, we know that the Sacrifice of the Mass is not a repetitious offering of sacrifices but the representation of the one single offering which Christ made upon the Cross for the salvation of all.
We further discuss why Catholics continue to have Masses said and offer indulgences for those who have died. Even though one Mass or one plenary indulgence is sufficient in itself to bring a soul through purgatory to the glory of heaven - each is only as open to receiving the graces as they were at the moment of their death. Therefore, even many Masses and many indulgences offered for one who has died is not repetitious or without effect, but is most beneficial for their purification so that they can quickly attain to heaven.
Listen online [here]!
The month of November is dedicated to praying for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Some key ways to avoid being a poor forgotten soul in purgatory: Pray for the Holy Souls regularly; let your funeral be a true funeral and not a mere celebration of life (black vestments helps!); be a member of Corpus Christi Parish or another traditional parish (because the people of this parish offer hundreds of Masses for our members who die, as well as many indulgences).
November is also dedicated to the Saints - beginning with All Saints Day. In this sermon, we encourage devotion to the saints and emphasize how important it is that we develop a friendship with the saints. November 1st, the Feast of All Saints, will be our feast day when we finally make it to heaven!
Listen online [here]!
Course Objectives: In this session, we discuss the particular insights of St Teresa of Avila, and how her Seven Mansions shed light on the traditional Three Ages of the Interior Life. Discussing the Ages of the Beginners, the Proficients and the Perfect (with the two Dark Nights which set them apart), we look to practical indicators of the growth through these three Ages. What are some of the key differences in the dispositions of the soul in each of these Ages of the Interior Life? And what is prayer like for these three classes of individuals?