Jun 18, 2021

Sunday Sermon, June 13th -- The Merciful Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart)

 Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a devotion to the Love of Jesus, and especially this Love as revealed to us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

We emphasize the close union of devotion to the Eucharist and devotion to the Sacred Heart - and note that Jesus revealed this Feast of the Sacred Heart as an extension of the feast of Corpus Christi.

Further, we consider the merciful love of the Heart of Jesus: There is no sin too great for him to forgive, in fact, all our sins are as nothing at all to him! It is easy for him to forgive us! He loves us so much!

Listen online [here]!

Sermon on the occasion of homeschool graduation, May 30th -- Catholic Home Education and the Formation of our Youth

 A sermon on the nature of education and schooling. And why Catholic Homeschooling is the best option, all other things being equal.

The purpose of education isn't to "get a job" but to learn to love learning - Catholic Home Education can do just that!

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, June 6th -- Worship of and Belief in the Holy Eucharist (External Solemnity of Corpus Christi)

Our belief in the Eucharist must be expressed in our reverence at Holy Mass. It is amazing and sad that some protestant pastors treat bread with greater respect than many Catholic priests treat the Eucharist! We must have a renewal in our worship, if we are to have a renewal in our belief.

We review the Doctrine of Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist. Discussing also what makes the Mass to be a sacrifice, and the same sacrifice of the Cross.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, May 30th -- The Divinity of Christ and His Prayer (Trinity Sunday)

St Augustine writes, "It is one Saviour of His Body, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who both prays for us, and prays in us, and is prayed to by us. He prays for us, as our Priest; He prays in us, as our Head; He is prayed to by us, as our God. Let us therefore recognise in Him our words, and His words in us."

On Trinity Sunday, we emphasize the Divine Person of our Savior who has united our human nature to his divine nature, yet always remains true God.  Whatever Jesus did on earth, it was God who did it. Even now in heaven, it is God himself who as ascending with our human nature and who lives forever to intercede for us as our priest.

This emphasis on Jesus' divinity is part of what led the US Bishops and the Vatican to change the English translation of the closing portion of the collect for Mass from "...through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirt, one God, forever and ever." to "....in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever." Because we are not at that moment affirming that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are One God, but rather professing our faith that this Jesus who lives as our High Priest is truly God, forever and ever.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, May 23rd -- The Holy Spirit is a Person, Have a Relationship with Him (Pentecost Sunday)

On the feast of Pentecost, we emphasize that the Holy Spirit is a Person just as the Father and the Son. He is equal with the Father and the Son, and is fully God.  It is often easier for us to "picture" the Father and the Son, however, reflecting on the Holy Spirit reminds us that the Father and the Son are also invisible and beyond all our imagining and comprehension.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, May 16th - The Ascension and the Holy Mass (Transferred Solemnity of the Ascension)

 Ascending into heaven, our Lord remains just as really and truly present, but in a new sacramental way. This change is reflected in the Sacred Liturgy in which we reverence the divinity of our Savior and also his glorified humanity.  

The Mass does not look like the Last Supper, and it better not! The Last Supper was before the Ascension and before our Lord's body was glorified!  The Mass should not look like the times the disciples had with the Lord during his earthly ministry - because all has been transformed through the Ascension.

Listen online [here]!

Changes to Parish Schedule, End of June beginning of July 2021

Please note the following changes to the parish schedule in the coming weeks:

Wednesday, June 23rd - No afternoon confessions 
Thursday, June 24th - No 7 am Mass, No confessions 
Friday, June 25th - No 7 am Mass 

(Please keep Deacon John Pankratz in your prayers, who will be ordained a priest in Billings on June 24th! Watch live stream at StPatrickcocathedral.org

Sat, June 26th - No 9 am Mass (wedding Mass 2:30 pm) 

Thursday, July 1st - No afternoon confessions 
Friday, July 2nd - No 7 am Mass, No confessions 
Saturday, July 3rd - No 9 am Mass 

Friday, July 9th - No afternoon confessions 
Saturday, July 10th - No 9 am Mass