Jul 24, 2016

Sunday Sermon, July 24 -- Mental Prayer and the Prayer of Petition

St Alphonsus teaches that the prayer of petition is simply and absolutely necessary for salvation for those who have the use of reason -- if we want to go to heaven, we must ask; and if we don't ask, we certainly will not be saved.
This follows from our Lord's words: Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

But, in order that we may persevere in asking, it is also necessary that we daily engage in mental prayer or meditation in which we spend time considering the love of God that has been made manifest in Christ.

This is one of the keys to prayer, and especially to dealing with the struggle of distractions: We don't begin our prayer with all our petitions or all our cares, but rather we begin by meditating upon the mysteries of our faith (for example, the mysteries of the Rosary or the stations of the Cross) and upon the love God has shown us in these mysteries. Then we have the courage to ask God for every good gift, and our own love grows and inspires us to truly seek heaven above all things.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons, July 19-23

Daily Sermons, week of July 19-23.

Ad Orientem, St Jerome Emiliani, St Lawrence of Brindisi, St Mary Magdalene, and the Readings.

Jul 17, 2016

Sunday Sermon, July 17 -- St Mary Magdalene's Life of Penance in Southern France

Sunday Sermon, July 17 -- 16th Week of Ordinary Time
"She has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her."

The relics of St Ann were miraculously discovered in Southern France in the late 700s, but how did they get there? St Mary Magdalene, with Sts Martha and Lazarus (and a number of other early Christians) were sent to their death upon an oar-less, sail-less, rudder-less boat, but were miraculously brought safely to Marseilles.

St Mary Magdalene's preaching converted the pagans of the region, then she spent her remain 30 years in a life of penance up in the mountains. She is the witness to Divine Mercy: Receiving mercy, we share mercy; true mercy leads to a life of penance; and divine mercy makes us recognize the value of receiving communion worthily and well.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons, July 12-16

Daily Sermons from Corpus Christi Parish, July 12-16.
Sts Louis and Zelie, St Henry, St Kateri, St Bonaventure, the Brown Scapular.

Jul 12, 2016

Sunday Sermon, July 10 -- Christ is the Good Samaritan

July 10 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

The parable of the Good Samaritan can be interpreted mystically as an allegory for the pitiable state of fallen humanity and the love of Christ who heals us and brings us into his Church, promising that he will return again at the end of time.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons -- July 5 through 9

Daily Sermons at Corpus Christi, July 5 - 9.

St Elizabeth of Portugal, St Maria Goretti, Communion under Both Kinds, Precious Blood, and Liturgy of the Word.

Jul 7, 2016

Sunday Sermon, June 3 -- St Junipero Serra and Missionary Discipleship

Sunday Sermon, June 3.

In the sending of the 72, we recognize that to be baptized is to be a missionary. Every disciple of Christ is a missionary, sent to the world to proclaim the good news of the Gospel!

We consider the life of St Junipero Serra, one of the most important founding fathers of our Nation (USA). Although he is almost completely ignored in school history books, St Junipero Serra is the Father of California and the founder of the American West!

Pope Francis opened the Year of Mercy in the United States with the canonization of St Junipero Serra. We learn three things from the saintly Franciscan missionary: Dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary, reliance on God's grace rather than human power, and boldness when defying corrupt secular authorities.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons: June 28 - July 2

Daily Sermons, June 28 through July 2.
Sts Peter and Paul, Roman Martyrs, Precious Blood, Mary's will.