Apr 30, 2016

Daily Sermons, August 20, 26-30

Daily Sermons, August 20 and 26-30.

St Agnes, St Cletus, St Peter Canisius, St Louis de Montfort, St Peter Martyr, St Catherine of Siena.

Apr 24, 2016

Sunday Sermon, April 24 -- Eucharistic Love

"As I have loved you, so you should love one another."

The new commandment of love is given in the context of the Last Supper, indicating that this a Eucharistic Love. Holy Communion inspires within us a love of our fellow Catholic and christian, a love of the poor, and a love of all people.

Listen online [here]!

Apr 20, 2016

Sunday Sermon, April 17 -- Hearing the Voice of the Shepherd, and the Call to Celibacy

"My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me."

A note prior to the sermon discusses the recent Exhortation written by Pope Francis (what the Pope himself actually says is important to focus on, rather than what the media focuses on).

Sermon: Hearing the voice of Jesus in my heart requires hearing his voice in the magisterium of the Church, following his voice by living a moral life, and listening for his voice in daily prayer. We then consider the call to the priesthood and the religious life, specifically the vocation to celibacy which is the happiest life this side of heaven.

Listen online [here]!

Apr 18, 2016

Daily Sermons, April 4 through 16

Homilies from daily Masses at Corpus Christ between April 4 and April 16.
The Annunciation, St Vincent Ferrer, Ad Orientem, Catholic Schools, St Giuseppe Moscati, St Hermenegild, St Benezet, The Eucharist, Our Lady

Apr 12, 2016

Sunday Sermon, April 10 -- Returning to Galilee this Easter Season

This Sunday's Gospel (of the great catch of fish) is one of the most often misinterpreted passages of the New Testament. Very often we will hear that Peter and the other Apostles were wrong to return to fishing. However, the Catholic Tradition is unanimous in teaching that Peter and the Apostles were right to return to fishing. Indeed, there is a great mystery hidden in this action -- the Apostles teach us that Easter is a time to renew our baptism and enter into mental prayer.

Listen online [here]!

Apr 4, 2016

Sunday Sermon, April 3rd -- Divine Mercy, Storehouse of God's Treasures

Divine Mercy Sunday -- Sermon on receiving the mercy of God which is given especially on this day and through this image of Divine Mercy. On trusting in God's Mercy, not presuming upon it.
Imagine that the president of a bank opens the safe for a man and tells him he can take all the money that he wants, but that he will return and shut the door at some point and then the time for taking the money will be over. What would be the proper response? Not to procrastinate, not to get mad that the president would some day return and shut the door, not to become anxious about when the president might return. Simply to go in and receive the treasure! The Heart of Jesus is the treasury of Divine Mercy, and it was opened by a lance, and the time for receiving Mercy is now!

Listen online [here]!