Feb 29, 2016

Sunday, February 28th -- Mental Prayer as the Key to Repentance

"Unless you repent, you shall all parish." - "Unless you do penance, you shall all perish."

To gain the grace of true repentance, we need to do penance. Three means of penance: Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Prayer is a most effectively produces repentance in the soul through inspiring divine love.

Listen online [here]!

Feb 27, 2016

Daily Sermons, February 23-27

Homilies from daily Masses, February 23 through 27.
St Margaret of Cortona, St Matthias, Dives, Stations,

Feb 26, 2016

Dante's Inferno, Cantos 12-17 (Adult Formation on The Divine Comedy, Part 3 of 6)

The Divine Comedy has been named by Pope Francis as the official book and spiritual guide of the Year of Mercy.
Cantos 9-17 of the Inferno. Catching up from last week and moving forward. We discuss the punishment of heretics, suicides, sodomites, and usurers.

Listen online [here]!

Feb 23, 2016

Sunday Sermon, February 21 -- Fasting and the Resurrection

Second Sunday of Lent -- Fasting and the Resurrection

In the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus -- these are the only three figures in Sacred Scripture to have fasted for 40 days. Is this not a clear indication that the fast merits the resurrection of the body?

Listen online [here]!

Feb 20, 2016

Dante's Inferno, Cantos 6 - 11. Adult Formation on the Divine Comedy (Part 2 of 6)

Pope Francis has named the Divine Comedy as the official book and spiritual guide of the Year of Mercy.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons: February 16 through 20

Sermons from daily Masses, Feb 16 - 20.
St Onesimus, The Servite Founders, St Simeon, Stations of the Cross, Bls Franciso and Jacita.

Feb 14, 2016

Sunday Sermon, February 14 -- Lent means being hungry with Jesus, The importance of fasting

First Sunday of Lent -- The Importance of Fasting: Lent means being hungry with Jesus

"The observance of Lent is the very badge of Christian warfare. By it we prove ourselves not to be enemies of Christ. By it we avert the scourges of divine justice. By it we gain strength against the princes of darkness, for it shields us with heavenly help. Should men grow remiss in their observance of Lent, it would be a detriment to God’s glory, a disgrace to the Catholic religion, and a danger to Christian souls. Neither can it be doubted that such negligence would become the source of misery to the world, of public calamity, and of private woe." (Benedict XIV)

During Lent, we join Jesus in the desert -- and in his fast, he was hungry. If we go through Lent with rarely or never being really hungry, then we have failed at Lent because we have failed to be truly united to Jesus.
In our Catholic Tradition, Lent is a time of real fasting. 1,000 years ago, our Catholic ancestors would abstain from meat and eggs and dairy on every day of Lent, and fast (only one meal with no snacks) on every day except Sundays and Solemnities. Even just over 100 years ago, Lent meant no eggs, meat, dairy on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, and fasting (one meal with two very small snacks) on every day except Sundays and Solemnities.
How can we claim the name "Catholic" if our own Lenten disciplines are as nothing compared to the Tradition and, even more, if they do nothing to bring us to union with Christ in his hunger?

Listen online [here]!

Feb 13, 2016

Daily Sermons, February 8-13

Homilies from daily Masses, February 8 through 13.

St John of Matha, Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich, Our Lady of Lourdes, St Julian the Hospitaller, St Catherine of Ricci.

Feb 12, 2016

Dante's Inferno, Introduction and the first Cantos. Adult Formation on the Inferno of the Divine Comedy, Session 1 (of 6)

Pope Francis has named the Divine Comedy as the "spiritual guide" and official book of the Year of Mercy. Having already made a two part introduction to the Comedy, we now begin to study the Inferno which is the first part of the three part Divine Comedy.

Handouts are reproduced below.

Listen online [here]!


Dante’s Inferno
Presented by Fr Ryan

I. Outline of sessions: Thursdays from February 11th to March 17th<4sup>
            A. Sessions
                        1. February 11th: Introduction to the Inferno. Cantos 1-5
                        2. February 18th: Cantos 6-11
                        3. February 25th: Cantos 12-17
                        4. March 3rd: Cantos 18-23
                        5. March 10th: Cantos 24-29
                        6. March 17th: Cantos 30-34, Review of the Inferno
            B. Personal Reading
                        1. Month of January: Inferno, Cantos 1-9
                        2. Month of February: Inferno, Cantos 10-18
                        3. Month of March: Inferno, Cantos 19-27
                        4. Month of April: Inferno, Cantos 28-34; Purgatorio, Cantos 1-2
                        5. Month of May: Purgatorio, Cantos 3-11

II. Introduction to the Inferno
            A. The Map of Hell (see handouts)
                        1. Sins of Passion/Incontinence
                                    a. Circles 2-6
                                    b. Sins of Lust
                                    c. Sins of Wrath
                        2. Sins of Violence
                                    a. Against neighbors
                                    b. Against self
                                    c. Against God
                        3. Sins of Fraud/Malice
                                    a. Simple fraud
                                    b. Compound fraud – treachery
            B. Notice that this is a map of the seriousness of sins as well
            C. Also is meant to teach us how to respond to sin (see how Dante matures)


Ash Wednesday: Why Catholics Fast from food and abstain from meat

It is scandalous that so many people (even well-meaning Catholics) pick Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent as a time to disparage the value of fasting. More than ever, this time of year it is common to hear people say that, "It's not really about what you give up, it's about adding good things" or "Lent isn't about giving up candy, it's about being a better person."  Of course Lent is about being a better person! Of course Lent is about adding prayers and almsdeeds! But the heart of Lent is the fast! If all we do is add prayer and almsgivng, then we have done only two out of three of the practices of Lent (prayer, fasting, almsgiving) -- that is a 66%, or a D-.

The heart of Lent is the fast. In this homily, we explain why Catholics fast from food (although it is also good to fast from other things like video games or the radio), and why we abstain from meat.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, February 7 -- The Mass is about God's Majesty

When man encounters God, he recognizes the divine greatness and human littleness. It is precisely when we humble ourselves before the Lord, that he will exalt us. The Mass isn't about "community" or "warm-fuzzy", the Mass is meant to manifest the divine majesty and inspire awe and holy fear in men.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons, February 1-6

Sermons from daily Masses, February 1st through February 6th.
St Ignatius of Antioch, Purification of Mary, St Blase, St Jane of France, St Agatha, The Martyrs of Japan