Jan 31, 2016

Sunday Sermon, January 31 -- Love Is Pro-Life, No Abortion and No Contraception

Sunday Sermon, January 31 -- Mother Teresa says that love means sacrifice, and that abortion and contraception destroy true love. See her speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in 1994 [here]!
Who are you going to side with? Blessed Mother Teresa, St John Paul II, Blessed Paul VI, and our own Bishop Warfel, or the demonic institute Planned Parenthood? The choice is between life and death -- between eternal happiness, and eternal damnation.

Mother Teresa: "And so it is very important for us to realize that love, to be true, has to hurt. I must be willing to give whatever it takes not to harm other people and, in fact, to do good to them. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts." ... "But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself." ... "By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems." ... "In destroying the power of giving life, through contraception, a husband or wife is doing something to self. This turns the attention to self and so it destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other as happens in natural family planning, and not to self, as happens in contraception. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily." ... "Let us make that one point - that no child will be unwanted, unloved, uncared for, or killed and thrown away. And give until it hurts - with a smile."

Listen online [here]!

Bishop Warfel's letter on NFP: "Catholic couples who use contraceptive methods in marriage frequently omit this information in Confession even though the Church teaches contraception is seriously sinful. Intentionally to withhold a serious sin within Confession affects the sacramental validity of that Confession."
And gain: "Other technologies, however, often function as abortafacients, such as, the IUD, the Morning After pill, Norplant, Depo-Provera, etc. ... Whether intended or not, utilization of these methods implies formal cooperation to allow chemical abortion to occur."

Read all of Bishop's letter [here]!

Jan 30, 2016

Daily Sermons, January 26 to 30

Sermons from daily Masses, January 26 to 30.
Sts Timothy and Titus, Sts Angela and Ursula, St Thomas Aquinas, St Francis de Sales, St Martina.

Jan 25, 2016

Sunday Sermon, January 24 -- On the Inspiration and Inerrancy of Sacred Scripture

Scripture is truly the Word of God in human words. The Holy Spirit inspired all that is in the Bible, and there is nothing in the Bible which God did not inspire. In this sense, the Bible is fully divine and fully human.
However, the Bible was given to the world through the Church. In fact, the Catholic Church came before the Bible (even before there was such a thing as an "Hebrew Bible" or "Jewish Scriptures", which was only established about 200 years after the Church came to be). The books of the Bible were accepted as inspired precisely because they were used in the Mass in those churches which the Apostles themselves had established. In this sense, the Mass is older than the Bible, and the Bible comes from the Mass which is to say that Sacred Scripture comes from the heart of the Church.

Listen online [here]!

Saturday Sermon, January 23

On account of priest meetings in Billings, there was only one sermon this week.
St Vincent the Deacon.

Jan 20, 2016

Sunday, January 17 -- The Wedding Feast as the 3rd Epiphany of Christ

Epiphany is a threefold mystery: The adoration of the Magi, the Baptism of the Lord, and the miracle at the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee.

This sermon is a careful study of the wedding feast and an explanation of the role of Mary in this miracle. Further, a comparison of the three Epiphanies of the Lord shows that to have God as our Father, we must accept Mary as our Mother.

Listen online [here]!

Jan 16, 2016

Daily Mass Sermons, January 12 - 16

Homilies from daily Masses, January 12-16.
Daily Mass, Baptism of the Lord, St Hilary, Sts Paul and Anthony, Pope St Marcellus.

Jan 15, 2016

Tuesday Adult Formation -- January 12th -- Introduction to the Divine Comedy Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of the Introduction to the Divine Comedy, which Pope Francis has named as the official book and "spiritual guide" for the year of Mercy.
Handout with schedule for reading through the year of Mercy is below.

Jan 12, 2016

Sunday Sermon, January 10 -- How to baptize an infant or others in an emergency

Sunday Sermon, January 10th -- Feast of the Baptism of the Lord -- How to baptize an infant or others in an emergency.

On the absolute necessity of baptism for salvation, and the grave duty to have kids baptized in the first weeks (not months) after birth. Also, how to perform an emergency baptism of a dying infant, of a miscarried child, or of a dying adult.

Listen online [here]!

Jan 9, 2016

Weekday Sermons -- January 7,8,9

Sermons from weekday Masses, January 7-9.
St Raymond of Penafort, The Adoration of the Magi, The Nativity Set.

Jan 8, 2016

Introduction to the Divine Comedy, Part 1 of 2

Introduction to the Divine Comedy which Pope Francis has set as the official book of the year of mercy. We see this epic poem as part of a great movement in the 13th and 14th centuries to bring the Catholic Faith to the ordinary people, and to inspire all people in what we now know as the "universal call to holiness".

 Also, practical tips for reading and enjoying the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.

Jan 3, 2016

Sunday Sermon, Epiphany - January 3 -- The History of the Magi

The historical chronology of the events surrounding Jesus' birth.
The appearance of the star, the adoration of the Magi, the presentation in the Temple, the flight to Egypt, and the slaughter of the Innocents.
An explanation of why the "star of Bethlehem" was no ordinary star in the sky. Also, showing that Herod didn't kill all the male children under the age of 2.

Listen online [here]!

Jan 2, 2016

January 1st -- Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Mary is not called only the Mother of Jesus, but the Mother of God - because Jesus is truly God. But St Joseph is not an "afterthought" to the Christmas Mystery, as true husband of Mary he fulfills the role of father to the Christ Child. Jesus was totally obedient to St Joseph, and we also must consecrate ourselves to him and love him.

Listen online [here]!

Daily Sermons December 29 and 30

Sermons from daily Masses, December 29 and 30.

St Thomas Becket, The Threefold Christmas Mystery.