Feb 28, 2015

Daily Sermons, February 24-28

Daily Sermons from February 24 through 28.
The Secret of Mary (for Total Consecration), The Time of Repentance, Jesus asked and received much, Jesus loved those who killed him, The Transfiguration.

Feb 24, 2015

Sunday Sermon, February 22 - The logic of Fasting from food and abstaining from meat

Many persons, thinking themselves wiser than the Church and all the saints, will propose in their blindness that one need not necessarily give anything up for Lent, but rather it will be enough simply to add something. This is utter folly.

Further, many today think that there is no good reason why Christians have always abstained from eating meat on Fridays (rather than from any other food) -- but there is good reason, there is a logic to the Church's practice.
And, after 2,000 years in many different cultures and with many different people, the Church has still found that the best way to become a saint includes abstaining from meat on Fridays.

In this homily, we see why fasting from food and abstaining particularly from meat is so effective in making us holier.

Listen online [here]!

Feb 21, 2015

Daily Sermons, February 17 - 21

Daily Sermons, February 17 through 21.
Total Consecration to Mary, Ash Wednesday, Mortification, Penitential days, Persevering through Lent

Feb 15, 2015

5 Sermons on the Mass -- How to gain the greatest spiritual benefit from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Sermons on the Mass given at Corpus Christi, Great Falls, MT.

Sermon 1: On reverence at Mass. Reverence for humility, humility for love. This is why we have all the "rules" about how and where Mass is celebrated -- for the sake of greater love. This is why we offer the Mass in the Church on an altar, and with many acts of reverence.

Sermon 2: On the entrance procession - the Mass has a forward movement, and an upward movement. This is why the priest ought to celebrate facing in the same direction as the people, toward God; rather than, as is usually done, where the priest turns his back to God and faces backwards toward the people. Also, the Liturgy of the Word as an act of worship, not Bible study.

Sermon 3: The offertory. The people have a sacrifice to offer at Mass as well - no one is a passive spectator! During the offertory, when the priest offers the bread and wine to God, the people join him in offering themselves, their joys and fears, all their desires and prayers! The priest offers Mass for a particular intention, you should do the same! Offer your participation in Mass for whatever needs you have!

Sermon 4: The Eucharistic Prayer. The high-point of the whole Mass. The words of consecration, which make the bread and wine to become the Eucharist, are the Mass. These words make the Mass a sacrifice, since the Body and Blood are consecrated separately, even as they were separated on the altar of the Cross. The elevation couldn't possibly be long enough, since the priest is holding up God himself for us to worship and love him!

Sermon 5: The Communion Rite. How to receive the Eucharist in a way that will be most fruitful to the soul.
1) We must be in the state of grace to receive Communion.
2) An interior spirit of kneeling and adoration when we come to Communion.
3) Making a thanksgiving prayer after Mass - staying after Mass to pray for around ten minutes.

Sunday Sermon, February 15 - The reception of Holy Communion (Sermons on the Mass, part 5 of 5)

We conclude our five part series on the Mass with a homily on the devout reception of holy Communion.

This means not only preparing for Mass and being reverent during Mass (especially when receiving the Eucharist), but also taking time to pray after Mass.

Below the audio recording, please see a bulletin insert distributed at Masses this weekend with reflections on making a prayer of thanksgiving for at least 10 minutes after Mass.

Listen online [here]!


Father's Corner -- Thanksgiving Prayer after Mass

St. John Chrysostom: "When we have received the precious Body of Jesus Christ, we should take care not to lose its heavenly flavor by turning too soon to the cares and business of the world."

St. Alphonsus: "There is no prayer more agreeable to God, or more profitable to the soul than that which is made during the thanksgiving after Communion."

From the Baltimore Catechism: "After Holy Communion we should spend some time in adoring Our Lord, in thanking Him for the grace we have received, and in asking Him for the blessings we need."

This is still the teaching, even after Vatican II! Pope St. John Paul II: "The faithful are to be recommended not to omit to make a proper thanksgiving after Communion. They may do this during the Mass ... also after the Mass, if possible, by staying behind to pray for a suitable time."


Remember that the Eucharist stays the Eucharist even after we receive Communion, until the Host is dissolved in our stomach. Therefore, even after Mass, Jesus is still really and truly present in our bodies for about 10 minutes. We are literally walking tabernacles! This is the basis of our thanksgiving.

St. Theresa of Avila says we should pray for one hour after Mass. This is almost universal among all the saints.

However, St. Alphonsus states that, because of a great necessity, the thanksgiving can be shortened to 30 minutes, but never should be less than 15 minutes. St. Josemaria Escriva allows for a minimum of 10 minutes of prayer after Mass.  This is the shortest that any saint has ever permitted.

Remember that Padre Pio received his miraculous Stigmata (the wounds of the Crucified Jesus in his hands, feet, and side) during his thanksgiving after Mass. There is no other time in which we are so perfectly conformed to Christ!


There is no set formula for our prayer after Mass. Some will find it helpful to recite memorized prayers (especially at first), as these help to focus the mind for the period of silence -- I would recommend a portion of the Rosary or of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. We don't need to finish the whole Rosary or Chaplet (or other prayers). The purpose of the thanksgiving isn't to "get something done," but to "spend time" with Jesus -- slowly praying the Rosary or Chaplet for a few minutes is an easy way to start having this special time with God who is present in us through Communion.

Another way of praying after Mass, especially during Lent, is to go through a portion of the Stations of the Cross, with or without a book to follow. We can simply recall some of the scenes from the Stations and spend a few minutes telling Jesus how much we love him. This same practice can be used with the mysteries of the Rosary.

Again, we could simply rest with the Lord and imagine that our soul is the stable/cave of Bethlehem and that the Host is the Baby Jesus. We can ask Mary to hold Him and love Him for us. And we are overjoyed when she puts her beautiful Child into our arms so that we may kiss Him!

The Holy Spirit Himself will enlighten each of us if only we don't give up but simply keep trying our best to make a good prayer of thanksgiving after Mass!


Since the Canon Law of the Church demands that the priest make a thanksgiving after Mass, and since all the saints recommend this for all the people, we at Corpus Christi will begin to provide the opportunity for a thanksgiving prayer. Immediately after the Mass, Father will kneel at the side for a period of thanksgiving. All are invited to kneel and join him in silent prayer which will start at only about 2 minutes and will gradually be extended to about 10 minutes. Father will conclude this prayer time with the common recitation of the thanksgiving prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas (which is in the back of the music book).

I really do want to greet everyone after Mass! It is one of my favorite moments of the week! But we don't need to choose either the thanksgiving prayer or socializing after Mass! We can do both! So, as soon as the common thanksgiving prayer is done, Father will go to the back of the Church to greet everyone. Please stay the extra couple minutes for prayer and for at least a brief "hello" after the Mass! To me, greeting all of you is worth waiting an extra couple of minutes, is the community life of our parish worth an extra couple minutes' wait to you?


Adult Ed Series on the Sacraments: Anointing of the Sick and Marriage (part 4 of 4)

This adult faith formation series was given at Corpus Christi, Great Falls, MT.
The internal logic of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, why it can only be given to those in danger of death.
Also, a few comments on marriage.

Part 1: Introduction to the Sacraments
Part 2: Baptism and Confirmation
Part 3: The Eucharist
Part 4: Anointing and Marriage

The handouts for this session (on Anointing) is the following article:
Anointing of the Sick is the Sacrament of the Dying [here]

Feb 14, 2015

Daily Homilies, February 10 - 14

Daily Homilies for the week of February 10 - 14.

St Scholastica, Our Lady of Lourdes, The Holy Eucharist, Friday Fasting, St Valentine

Feb 11, 2015

Morning of Reflection for Adoration Society - "Renewing the Graces of Baptism this Lent"

These sermons/conferences were given at Blessed Sacrament Perpetual Adoration for the members of Corpus Christi Adoration Society.

The theme, in preparation for the coming season: "Renewing the Graces of Baptism this Lent."

The first homily was given in the context of the Traditional Mass, for the feast of St Romuald. The other two talks were given as sermons in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

Feb 10, 2015

Praying in union with the Eucharistic Prayer, Sermons on the Mass (4 of 5)

At no point during the Mass are the people mere spectators, an audience merely listening to the priest speak. Most especially, during the Eucharistic prayer, the people are to be offering their own sacrifice of praise together with the priest. The Eucharistic prayer is not a time for the people simply to listen to the priest speak on and on, but they are to unite their prayers with his prayers.

Pope Benedict XVI insists that this would be most effectively accomplished by the priest facing in the same direction as the people during the Eucharistic prayer (not facing toward/against the people, but with the people toward God) and saying the prayer in a quieter voice or even silently.

A study of what the priest is saying during the Eucharistic Prayer. And the essential importance of the consecration of the Eucharist.

Listen online [here]!

Feb 7, 2015

Daily Homilies for the week of February 2-6

Daily Homilies, February 2 through 7. Candlemas, St Blaise, St Veronica, St Agatha, St Paul Miki and St Philip de Jesus.

Feb 1, 2015

Sunday Sermon - Offering your own intention at the Mass - Series on the Mass (3 of 5)

Series on the Mass, part 3 of 5 -- The Creed and the Offertory. It is not just the priest who offers the Mass for a particular intention. All the baptized are called to offer the Mass for their needs and the needs of the whole world.

One reason why many people do not benefit fully from the Mass is that they miss the true meaning of the offertory.

Listen online [here]!

Adult Ed Series on the Sacramentsm Session 2 - Baptism

Adult faith formation course at Corpus Christi Parish. Series on the Sacraments of the Church.

Below the audio recording is a handout.