Mar 27, 2014

Daily and Sunday Sermons

Father Ryan has begun to post many of his Sunday and Daily Mass sermons online. Soon, they will be posted here as well.

They are available on facebook [here]
They are currently being posted over at New Theological Movement, which is Father's blog -- [here]

Mar 12, 2014

Changes to Schedule, March 13 - 15

On account of a Knights of Columbus meeting and a funeral, there are several changes to the Mass and Confession schedule at the end of this week.

Thursday, March 13 -- No additional confessions from 6:15 to 8pm
Friday, March 14 -- No additional confessions after the Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 15 -- No 9am Latin Mass, no additional confessions from 9:45 to noon

(For all of these days, the usual 4:30 to 5:30pm confessions remain)

Mar 3, 2014

Mass and Confession, during Lent


Mass times:

Tuesday through Friday - 5:30pm
Saturday morning - 9am

*Wednesday and Saturday morning are the Traditional Latin Mass

Saturday evening - 5:30pm
Sunday - 9am and 11:30am

Confession times:

Tuesday and Wednesday - 4:30 to 5:15pm, 6:15 to 7pm
Thursday and Friday - 4:30 to 5:15pm, 6:15 to 8pm
Saturday - 10am to noon, 4:30 to 5:15pm

Stations of the Cross: Friday at 6:15pm