Mar 2, 2025

Ash Wednesday and Lent Schedule

Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, but there is Mass at 7am (ending at 7:45am), and 5:30pm (incense).

Ash Wednesday is a day of mandatory abstinence from meat (ages 14 and up) and fasting of one meal and two small snacks (ages 18 to 60).

During Lent, confessions are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 4:30-7pm (with a break on Fridays at 5:30pm for Stations) and Saturdays 4:30-5:30pm.

Stations of the Cross are Fridays at 5:30pm.

Feb 27, 2025

Adult Faith Formation, February 25th -- History of the Popes -- Session 5, Popes of the Late Middle Ages

 We discuss the Popes from the great St Gregory VII through just before the Western Schism (Urban IV). From 1073 to 1389.  We then consider a bit of the history of the College of Cardinals and Papal Conclaves, and especially the current rules of how a new Pope is elected.

Adult Faith Formation, February 18th -- The History of the Popes -- Session 4, The Popes of the Holy Roman Empire

 We discuss the Popes from Charlemagne and the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire (Pope Leo III) to just after the year 1000 (Pope Benedict IX). This class discusses by far the most exciting and scandalous time in the history of the papacy!

Sunday Sermon, February 23rd -- Sermons on the Mass, Part 3, The Offertory and Preface

 We consider the movement from the Creed to the Offertory, and especially how this is a moment of great opportunity to enter more deeply into the Mass.  Reflecting on the Preface and the Sanctus, we take a moment also to consider music at Mass and the importance of chanting the parts of the Mass.

Listen online [here]!

Sunday Sermon, February 16th -- Sermons on the Mass, Part 2, The Liturgy of the Word

 In this second of four sermons on the Mass, we consider the Liturgy of the Word and espeicially the spiritual and mystical significance of the Gospel. We note that the Creed is the hinge of the Mass, between the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful - the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Listen online [here]!