Oct 13, 2018

Sunday Sermon, October 7 -- Defending Marriage

"Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her." 
We have these very direct words from our Savior, which contrast so greatly with the secular approach to divorce and remarriage which we see in the world, among the Protestants, and sadly even among many Catholics.

First, we consider the "bill of divorce" permitted by Moses from the Old Testament, and how this was a safeguard of the indissolubility of marriage, seeking to limit divorce and to avoid other even greater evils (like wife-murder).

We further discuss the assault on marriage today with the redefinition of the nature of marriage, which can only be between a man and a woman. In an election year, it is especially important to remember which politicians and which party has destroyed the institution of marriage in our nation.

Listen online [here]!