Feb 19, 2018

Sunday Sermon, February 18 -- The World Needs Catholics to Fast

For the Christian, holiness is the imitation of Christ - and Jesus fasted for forty days, which is why we fast and do penance during Lent. In particular, we fast from food and abstain from meat. Fasting and abstinence is deeply connected with who man, it is not merely a convention. Of all the ways we are attached to worldly things, food is primary. And of all types of food which give strength to the body, the meat of warm blooded animals is primary. Therefore, we sacrifice not only what is good, but even what is necessary (food, and in particular meat); so that we might be strengthened to give up what is not only not necessary, but is not even good (that is, sin).

One hundred years ago, Our Lady appeared in Fatima to ask for penance and prayers for the conversion of sinners and peace in the world. At that time, Catholics fasted for over fifty days of the year (included every day of Lent excepting Sundays), and abstained from meat and eggs and dairy for about one hundred days of the year (including every day of Lent, even the Sundays). Nowadays, we are only required to fast two days a year and to abstain from meat eight days - that is less than five percent of the fasting and less than ten percent of the abstinence which Catholics have practiced for some two thousand years!

No wonder the world and the Church are in such a sad state! Catholics don't do penance any more! Mary has been asking for one hundred years now, will any generous hearts embrace fasting and abstinence this Lent for peace in the world and the salvation of souls?

Listen online [here]!